all number games had pattern and this pattern is called "universal statistical combination"; most ancient mathematician are using this pattern in getting 70% accuracy in statistics, though its not a perfect pattern (due to some environmental consequences and human intervention)as phi 3.1416 or any other statistical formula, they could say that they are more in the side of winning; to know this secret formula try to search : "ancient statistical formulation" and you'll see...better to bet on the side were luck and science combined.
I dont know who operates or should i say manipulates this numbers, if i play 25, 24 will come out, if i play for the down , like yesterday i played 135, it came out 315 and they said i didnt win, WTF........!!!
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hello friends tell me what side look second paper tell me
all number games had pattern and this pattern is called "universal statistical combination"; most ancient mathematician are using this pattern in getting 70% accuracy in statistics, though its not a perfect pattern (due to some environmental consequences and human intervention)as phi 3.1416 or any other statistical formula, they could say that they are more in the side of winning; to know this secret formula try to search : "ancient statistical formulation" and you'll see...better to bet on the side were luck and science combined.
415 is best this drow
I dont know who operates or should i say manipulates this numbers, if i play 25, 24 will come out, if i play for the down , like yesterday i played 135, it came out 315 and they said i didnt win, WTF........!!!
this comeng 30 what is good number
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